Magic Set Editor (MSE) is a tool with which you can design cards for different trading card game systems (especially, but not restricted to, Magic: The Gathering). The program has several useful tools in order to keep track of your creations: you can keep statistics about the sets you design as a whole as well as keep track of each card created. You can save the information about the projects you create (sets) as well as individual cards. And you can save each card as an individual image (JPEG format mostly) rendered at the standard size of the real cards.
The editing options range from adding a custom image to customization of the ''expansion symbol'', colector's number and artist name, as well as customization of the rules text, flavor text, spell types, sub-types, power/toughness, etc. The design of the program allows the user to perform quick searches for the keywords from the rules of the game, as well as spell types and sub-types.
There are also templates available for downloading - they allow you to further expand the capabilities of the program to create cards in the formats pertaining to the latest sets of each game.
All in all, if you like creating fantasy cards for casual play or testing competitive ideas, Magic Set Editor is for you.
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